Ajax Drop down Tab Menu…
e24TabMenu is a plugin written for scriptaculous. It is a tab menu that expands collapse smoothly.
CSS Play Mini Tabs
Yahoo style Drop Down Tab Interface
jQuer Tab Skin
JQuery TabContainer Theme with Tab Transition Animations
Sliding Tabs
Sliding Tabs is a mootools 1.11 plugin which adds a pretty neat effect. It’s a clone of something seen on Panic Software’s Coda site,
Coda Slider
A cool Sliding effect inspired by coda site
Tab Accordian
Tabbed style accordion script written with Moo.FX, this is my favorite
Perspective Tabs
Perspective tabs is a simple mootools 1.2 plug-in that allows for a larger number of tabs to fit into a small space
Scrolling Tabs
This TabPanel is built entirely with javascript and demonstrates: Auto tab resizing, Tab scrolling, Tabs with icons, Tab plugins (context menu), Adding tabs with JS
jQuery idTabs
idTabs is simple and easy to use.not overloaded with features, it gets to the point.
Rotating UI Tabs
A simple yet cool tab build in jquery
Floating Window with Tabs
The script is easy to set implement. The content of the windows is plain HTML and the window is created by calling one single javascript function
Closable Tabs
The Closeable Tab widget allows tabs to be removed.
Paged Tab Menu
Very Cool Horizontal Tab interface from cssplay
Draggable Tabs
The Draggable Tab widget allows tabs to be dragged (and dropped) between one or more modules
Fancy Sliding Tab Menu
Fancy Sliding Tab Menu using script.aculo.us
Carousel Tab
Module Tabs - Carousel (1 at a time, zero animation, external controls)
Moo Tabs
Cool Animated tab using moo tools
jQuiery UI Tab
A Tabbed Interface Using jQuery
Ajax Tabber
This Ajax-enabled UI component lets you add feature-rich and nice looking tabs to your site or web application.
Nested Tabs
Updated JQuery Nested Tab Set with Demo
Accordion Scripts
Moo Fx Two Column Accordian
cool two column Accordion in Moo FX
Moo Fx Horizontal Accordian
cool horizontal Accordion in Moo FX
Hover Accordian
This is yet another accordion script, except you don’t have to click to open one item, you just move your mouse over it
Draggable Accordion
Ext Accordion Widget
Simple Javascript Accordian
This is one of the smallest accordion you can find on the web 1149 Bytes.
Moo Tool Accordian
Accordion with color transition
Accordion v2.0
Finally a lightweight accordion that is built with scriptaculous and works properly in every browser.
Yet Another Mootool Accordion
Accordions based on a pressed key combo
Completely Flexible Accordion
Horizontal Accordion
Accordion Using jQuery
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