41 of the Best MooTools Ajax Examples
I wrote an article a few weeks back about javascript frameworks and the general consensus was that jQuery was the best. I like scriptalicious and Prototype, but I have been looking at MooTools recently, and I like what I see. Here is the best of what I have found:1. Photo Gallery
Description: A marvellous interactive Photo Gallery.
Demo:Photo Gallery View Demo.
2. Noob Slide
Description: This is another image gallery slideshow, nicely done..
Demo:Noob Slide View Demo.
3. Simple 3D Carousel
Description: A (not so) basic 3D Carousel.
Demo:Simple 3D Carousel View Demo.
4. Slider
Description: Horizontal or Vertical bar and slider.
Demo:Slider View Demo.
5. Click to change the background
Description: Dynamic color selector- colors swatch animate to pick and change the background.
change the background Demo:View background Demo .
6. Pamoorama
Description: It show only part of your fullsize image, the image can then be scrolled by moving the mouse over it.
Demo:View Pamoorama Demo.
Description: demo.
8. Javascript Image Gallery
Description: A simple but very useable Image gallery.
Demo:Image gallery View Demo.
9. Sample Nav Bar
Description: A stylish and easy to use nav bar.
Demo:View nav bar Demo.
10. Slidinglist
Description: A tree-like sliding navigation system.
Demo:View tree-like sliding navigation Demo.
Description: A lightbox that supports images, flash, video, mp3s, html.
lightbox Demo:View Demo.
12. Image Menu
Description: A horizontal menu, reveals more of the image as you rollover it.
horizontal menu, reveals more Demo:View Demo.
Description: Tooltips with a difference.
Demo:View Demo.
14. ReMooz
Description: Simpliar and easier than SqueezeBox. Click on an image and the image will enlarge. Simple, the way I like it.
Demo:View SqueezeBox Demo.
15. Accordions
URL: http://www.hotajax.org/content/view/98/420/.
Description: A stylish and smooth accordian style navigation.
16. Slideshow
Description: This is by far and away the Photo Gallery with the most features. Very well done.
Demo:View Photo Gallery Demo.
17. mooSlide ( lightbox replacement)
Description: The mooSlideBox v3 is a small and slim ajax based extension or replacement of the common “lightbox”. I really love this.
Demo:View slim ajaxDemo.
18. Page Loader
Description: You can load a div from one page into a div on this page.
Demo:View Demo.
19. Grow a Textarea
URL: http://ejectmedia.net/examples/moo_textareas/.
Description: Just make a form, and this script will add the ability to resize each textarea.
Demo:View Demo.
20. JavaScript Time Picker
URL: http://www.nogray.com/time_picker.php.
Description: The first ever Time Picker that utilize a very easy drag and drop interface.
Demo:View Demo.
21. Sexy sliding JavaScript side bar menu
URL: http://www.andrewsellick.com/….
Description: Smooth and yes, SEXY sidebar menu.
Demo:View Demo.
22. Slideshow
Description: A smooth transition between images.
Demo:View Demo.
23. Ajax login form (
Description: An easy to use login form.
Demo:View Demo.
24. FancyUpload
Description: Swf meets Ajax for beautiful uploads.
Demo:View Demo.
Description: A simple form validation.
Demo:View Demo.
26. SortableTable
Description: Sort and filter tables.
Demo:View Demo.
27. MooTabs – Tiny tab class for MooTools
Description: MooTabs is tiny(3kb), as the name suggests, it’s main purpose is to help out with the creation of simple tab navigation.
Demo:View Demo.
28. Sortable List Example
Description: A drag and Drop sortable list. Could be handy.
Demo:View Demo.
29. Calendar
Description: Calendar is a Javascript class that adds accessible and unobtrusive date-pickers to your form elements.
Demo:View Demo.
30. Rounded Corners
Description: This creates rounded corners on divs.
Demo:View Demo.
31. Mediabox
Description: Mediabox lets you open flash, video, and html content in a floating “lightbox” style window.32. Mootools Mocha UI
Description: Mocha is a web applications user interface library built on the Mootools javascript framework. The Mocha GUI components are made with canvas tag graphics.33. FormCheck
Description: Performs different tests on forms and indicates errors.34. mooRainbow
Description: A color picker, built on the mooTools Framework.35. Lightbox
Description: An inline image popup, overlays and fades out the current page.36. SmoothGallery 2.0
Description: This javascript gallery and slideshow system allows you to have simple and smooth (cross-fading…) image galleries, slideshows, showcases and other cool stuff on your website.37. Popmenu
Description: A background image pops up, adding some livelyness to an otherwise dull menu.38. MooMonth
Description: MooMonth is a full calendar application written in javascript.
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